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Health and Wellness Coaching and Workshops


Living with the End in Mind


It doesn't matter where you are on life's journey. What I have learned from my experience is that we each need to live our best possible life while we can. If we live with the end in mind, then we are living a life well lived. We take care of our body, mind and spirit. We think about and plan for our future. We try to make the most of each precious day we have and we try, as best as possible, to avoid regrets. 


When you or someone that you love and care for has a cognitive health issue such as Alzheimer's disease, this becomes all the more important. I will support you to take the next steps forward. One to One sessions are completely confidential, non-judgmental and transformative.  ï»¿I have a private coaching room located in Kingston Beach, Tasmania.


    Private One to One Health and Wellness Coaching Sessions $85

Unlike other coaches, I much prefer to work with you face to face rather than over the telephone. It's more personal and I feel that we can form a better relationship. My one to one sessions are one hour $85 and I will also provide you with a follow up contact. I'm happy to meet with you for the first 20mins as a free session to see if we are comfortable with each other.


    6 Week Health and Wellness Coaching Program $400


It takes approximately 6 weeks to create a new habit. If you are looking for a transformative experience, this package includes an initial one-hour session, a follow up 30 minute session a week later and then 4 fortnightly 30 minute sessions to hold you accountable to your goals and weekly actions.  


     Workshops and Programs 


Later in 2023 I will be offering a one day workshop entitled from Dreaming to Daring. I will also be offering a 6 week program entitled 'Building a Healthier Brain'.


Workshop dates and costs will be updated in the next few months.

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